Summer Term June 30-August 18, 2020

Tuesday Evening Class Week A   6/30, 7/14, 7,28, & 8/11, 2020

6:45-9:00 PM

Professor: Dr. Eugene McCormick

“The Sermon on the Mount” 295 NT  3 credit hours

Thursday Evening Class Week A  7/2, 7/16, 7/30, & 8/13, 2020

6:45-9:00 PM

Professor: Dr. Winson Butler

Nouthetic Counseling Level I: “The Biblical Mandates for Marriage” 926 MPS 3 credit hours

Tuesday Evening Class Week B 7/7, 7/21, 8/4, & 8/18, 2020

Professor: Roy Vining

“Doctrine of the Trinity” 326 DS  3 credit hours


Monday Mornings  9:30-Noon

Professor: Dr. Stanford Kruse

“Sects, Cults, Deviant Movements, and Satanism” 499 MPS  3 credit hours


Monday July 13, 2020

6:30-9:00 PM

Professor: Dr. Dwight Brinkley

“The Seventh Day, God Rested” Genesis 2:1

533 OT  3 credit hours