by JBTS | Jun 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
Summer Term June 30-August 18, 2020 Tuesday Evening Class Week A 6/30, 7/14, 7,28, & 8/11, 2020 6:45-9:00 PM Professor: Dr. Eugene McCormick “The Sermon on the Mount” 295 NT 3 credit hours Thursday Evening Class Week A 7/2, 7/16, 7/30, & 8/13,...
by JBTS | Jun 26, 2020 | Uncategorized
Summer Term June 30-August 18, 2020 Tuesday Evening Class Week A 6:45-9:00 PM 6/30, 7/14, 7/28, & 8/11, 2020 Professor: Dr. Eugene McCormick “The Sermon on the Mount” 295 NT 3 Cr. Hrs. Thur. Evening Class Week A 6:45-9:00 PM 7/2, 7/16, 7/30, & 8/13, 2020...
by JBTS | Jun 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
Join Dr. McCormick for the seminar: – Ministering to People in Crisis in a Post-Coronavirus World – June 15. 2020 6:30 PM In person or via Zoom (Meeting ID 89472966636) This may be taken for personal enrichment or for seminary credit.
by JBTS | Jun 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
Now, more than ever, we live in a world that is plagued with crisis situations. As we watch television, browse the internet for the latest news, or carry on casual conversations with friends and acquaintances, it is apparent that people are experiencing feelings of...
by JBTS | Jun 2, 2020 | Uncategorized
Now, more than ever, we live in a world that is plagued with crisis situations. As we watch television, browse the internet for the latest news, or carry on casual conversations with friends and acquaintances, it is apparent that people are experiencing feelings of...