Join Dr. Wayne Wright as he presents “Understanding the Sabbath” on Monday, Feb. 14, 2022 at 6:30 PM on campus or via Zoom ID # 874 0665 4674 passcode JBTS@5711.

The Jewish law was fulfilled by Christ on the cross and is no longer binding on God’s people. Truly, Jesus is our sabbath. It is in Him that we experience His rest. Do not be confused: some immature believers, choosing to live in the shadow of the law, never knowing the power of the resurrection that God puts into all who are saved by faith and live by faith, may try to subject others to the law and bondage.
   Because Christ is our sabbath we now rest in Him, and we celebrate the “Day of Resurrection” every Sunday.

Please pre-register for this course by email or call (904) 388-9590. This seminar may be taken for credit or audited for personal enrichment