The Interpretation of the Parables

The Interpretation of the Parables

Study the historical setting of the parable – performing a detailed analysis of the religious, social, political, and geographical circumstances revealed in the parable

Study the literary and grammatical structure of the parable – identifying the introduction and conclusion of the parable, as well as, conducting word studies in their biblical context.

Study the theological unity of the parable – checking it against the teachings of Jesus and the rest of Scripture.

Study the meaning of the parable – translating the parable in terms of its contemporary relevance

Classification of the Parables

The parables of Jesus can be grouped and classified in various ways.  For the purposes of this course, the parables of Jesus will be viewed in nine (9) divisions of kingdom emphases:

  • The Newness of the Kingdom
  • The Climax of the Kingdom
  • The Gift of the Kingdom
  • The Certainty of the Kingdom
  • The Nearness of the Kingdom
  • The Universality of the Kingdom
  • The Supreme Value of the Kingdom
  • The Cost of the Kingdom
  • The Challenge of the Kingdom

The Newness of the Kingdom

The Kingdom is something completely new.