Summer  Term

June 30-August 18, 2020

Tuesday Evening Class Week A

6:45-9:00 PM

 6/30, 7/14, 7/28, & 8/11, 2020

Professor: Dr. Eugene McCormick

“The Sermon on the Mount” 

295 NT  3 Cr. Hrs.

Thur. Evening Class Week A

6:45-9:00 PM

7/2, 7/16, 7/30, & 8/13, 2020

Professor: Dr. Winson Butler

Nouthetic Counseling Level I:

“The Biblical Mandates for Marriage”

926 MPS  3 Cr. Hrs.

Tuesday Evening Class Week B

6:45-9:00 PM

7/7, 7/21, 8/4, & 8/18, 2020

Professor: Dr. Roy Vining

“Doctrine of the Trinity”

326 DS  3 Cr. Hrs.


 Day Classes

Monday Morning Classes

9:30 AM-Noon

July 6, 13, 20, & 27, 2020

Professor: Dr. Stanford Kruse

“Sects, Cults, Deviant Movements

 and Satanism”499 MPS

3 Cr. Hrs.


Monday, July 13, 2020

6:30-9:00 PM

Professor: Dr. Dwight Brinkley

“The Seventh Day, God Rested”

Genesis 2:1

533 OT  3 Cr. Hrs.



There are external courses always available if you would like to do additional studies or if you are unable to attend as many on campus classes as you desire. Payment for these courses is due when the work is submitted for grading. Several of the courses this term will be available externally via live stream. the classes for the up coming semester.





