1. Course Overview:
This course on Interpreting the Parables is designed to introduce the student to the background, content, literary style, and message of the interesting stories which Christ used to teach people about the Kingdom of Heaven. The course will address the major the major classifications of the parables told by Jesus and the amazing parallels they drew about kingdom concepts. It is hopeful that at the conclusion of the course, students will have a clearer view of the context and message of the parables and to understand its significance and relevance for the church today.
2. Goals & Objectives
- The definition of a parable
- Why parables were used in teaching
- The major truth taught by each parable
- The major classifications of the parables
- The major kingdom concepts of the parables
- The teachings of the parables to daily life
3. Required Texts
- The Holy Bible <year/edition/translation of student’s choice>
4. Additional Readings
Additional readings are also required. You are responsible for all assigned readings.
- Copeland, Mark A. 2009. The parables of Jesus: Executable outlines.
- Kistemaker, Simon J. The parables: Understanding the stories Jesus told, 7th ed.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House Company.
- Lockyer, Herbert. 1988. All the parables of the bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan
Publishing House.
5. Course Requirements
The course grade will be based on the following elements:
- Reading Assignments: (10%)
The reading of the course texts is a very important component of this course. It is expected that you will read the texts very closely and thoughtfully.
- Complete all reading assignments of the course. There is no substitute for reading the Scriptures!
- b. Read from the suggested additional reading lists to supplement Bible reading.
- Compile a reading report to keep track and to mark the percentage of the assignment read. Completed reading reports are due when the final exam is submitted. Note: “Reading” here involves reading the assignments with careful, thoughtful understanding and insight for thoughtful interaction preparation.
- Academic Character: (10%)
Cheating in any form compromises your grade and lowers the quality of your education. Individuals who cheat may lower their grade by inflating grades, etc. To clarify, using someone’s work without giving that person proper credit (i.e. properly citing them) or passing other people’s works off as your own is considered plagiarism regardless of whether you got the material from a book or the Web.
- Research Paper: (30%)
The research paper must be double spaced and at least-Associate/Bachelor (7-9 pages,), Master (12-15 pages), Doctorate (17-20 pages). This will include a title page which must indicate the student’s name, the course name and number, and other pertinent data. Students must include a bibliography as well. These papers must be written with care, as they constitute a portion of your grade. Title page and bibliography do not count in the page count.
- FINAL EXAM: (50%) The final exam must be completed and turned in to receive credit
6. Grading Scale
A 95-100 (4.0) B 85-94 (3.0) C 70-84 (2.0) D 60-69 (1.0) F below 60 (0.0)
Course Materials
* This is a written course. Please download and study the notes below. Afterward, you may submit the final requirements to complete the course and get your grade. If you are taking this course for credit, normal tuition rates apply.